Security Testing your ARM Templates

In medicine there is a saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”” – What this concept boils down to for health practitioners is that engaging early is often the cheapest & simplest method for preventing expensive & risky health scenarios. It’s a lot cheaper & easier to teach school children about healthy foods & exercise than to complete a heart bypass operation once someone has neglected their health. Importantly, this concept extends to multiple fields, with CyberSecurity being no different.
Since the beginning of cloud, organisations everywhere have seen explosive growth in infrastructure provisioned into Azure, AWS and GCP. This explosive growth all too often corresponds with increases to security workload without required budgetary & operational capability increases. In the quest to increase security efficiency and reduce workload, this is a critical challenge. Once a security issue hits your CSPM, Azure Security Centre or AWS Trusted Inspector dashboard, it’s often too late; The security team now has to work to complete within a production environment. Infrastructure as Code security testing is a simple addition to any pipeline which will reduce the security group workload!

Preventing this type of incident is exactly why we should complete BASIC security testing..

We’ve already covered quality testing within a previous post, so today we are going to focus on the security specific options.

The first integrated option for ARM templates is easily the Azure Secure DevOps kit (AzSK for short). The AzSK has been around for while and is published by the Microsoft Core Services and Engineering division; It provides governance, security IntelliSense & ARM template validation capability, for free. Integrating to your DevOps Pipelines is relatively simple, with pre-built connectors available for Azure DevOps and a PowerShell module for local users to test with.

Another great option for security testing is Checkov from bridgecrew. I really like this tool because it provides over 400 tests spanning AWS, GCP, Azure and Kubernetes. The biggest drawback I have found is the export configuration – Checkov exports JUnit test results, however if nothing is applicable for a specified template, no tests will be displayed. This isn’t a huge deal, but can be annoying if you prefer to see consistent tests across all infrastructure…

The following snippet is all you really need if you want to import Checkov into an Azure DevOps pipeline & start publishing results!

  - task: UsePythonVersion@0
      versionSpec: '3.7'
      addToPath: true
    displayName: 'Install Python 3.7'
  - script: python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
    displayName: 'Install pip3'

  - script: pip3 install checkov
    displayName: 'Install Checkov using pip3'

  - script: checkov -d ./${{parameters.iacFolder}} -o junitxml -s >> checkov_sectests.xml
    displayName: 'Security test with Checkov'

  - task: PublishTestResults@2
    displayName: Publish Security Test Results (Checkov)
    condition: always()
      testResultsFormat: JUnit
      testResultsFiles: '**sectests.xml'

When to break the build & how to engage..

Depending on your background, breaking the build can really seem like a negative thing. After all, you want to prevent these issues getting into production, but you don’t want to be a jerk. My position on this is that security practitioners should NOT break the build for cloud infrastructure testing within dev, test and staging. (I can already hear the people who work in regulated environments squirming at this – but trust me, you CAN do this). While integration of tools like this is definitely an easy way to prevent vulnerabilities or misconfigurations from reaching these environments, the goal is to raise awareness & not increase negative perceptions.

Security should never be the first team to say no in pre-prod environments.

Use the results of any tools added into a pipeline as a chance to really evangelize security within your business. Yelling something like “Exposing your AKS Cluster publicly is not allowed” is all well and good, but explaining why public clusters increase organisational risk is a much better strategy. The challenge when security becomes a blocker is that security will no longer be engaged. Who wants to deal with the guy who always says no? An engaged security team has so much more opportunity to educate, influence and effect positive security change.

Don’t be this guy.

Importantly, engaging well within dev/test/sit and not being that jerk who says no, grants you a magical superpower – When you do say no, people listen. When warranted, go ahead and break the build – That CVSS 10.0 vulnerability definitely isn’t making it into prod. Even better, that vuln doesn’t make it to prod WITH support of your development & operational groups!

Hopefully this post has given you some food for thought on security testing, until next time, stay cloudy!

Note: Forest Brazael really has become my favourite tech related comic dude. Check his stuff out here & here.

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